1. Stress, anxiety, low mood, disturbed sleep, early tiredness are some of the few symptoms that we feel in the early stages of lifestyle disease .when we start feeling these symptoms it means we should be alert and start thinking about their treatment.  one of the major root causes of diseases in today’s world is stress .it might be e family stress, financial crisis, corporate anxieties, anything that may cause this condition. Any condition which exceeds our capabilities, any situation in which we think that we can’t control anymore what we feel in that circumstances and what we feel when we are stuck in any such condition is a feeling of stress. difficult initiation of sleep, lack of concentration, too easy irritable episodes are a few aspects of this . the best ways to get rid of these conditions are regular exercise, yoga, meditation, counseling sessions, healthy discussions, and homeopathic treatment as some of the best and most effective ways of cure. why homeopathy is so useful in anxiety and stress-related cases is because the homeopathic system of medicines considers our mind brain and emotions as the most important part of our system. Homeopathic medicines are proved on healthy human beings so any medicine works very well to eradicate the cause as well as their effects on our system. Homeopathic literature is full of various emotional & behavioral studies and experiences. Homeopathic medicines work efficiently to calm the mind. If you have such type of problem and looking for the best homeopathic doctor then, Dr. Vimal Rastogi is a Homeopathy Doctor in Ghaziabad. He is working in this homeopathy field for the past 23 years.
  2. Migraine is the most troublesome complaint a person can have in his or her life span. this is a kind of pain that can make you feel mad. though it’s a common complaint these days the cause of it is still unknown. we can only find out some triggering factors which can cause the panic episode of the painfemales are more likely to have migraine than men some triggering factors are hormonal changes, emotional and physical stress, lack of rest, acute smell, sunlight exposure, dietary regularities, indigestion & medicine induced. some studies suggest that it may be due to genetics. in females, menstrual irregularity and menopause can trigger pain. Stress, anxiety, tension, shock, depression, or excitement can trigger the pain. Unrest, poor quality sleep, irregular working hours, and tiredness are some physical triggers. missed or delayed mealsdehydration, alcohol & specific foods like caffeine, tea, coffee may cause the pain. bright lights, too much computer and mobile screen time, loud noise, changes in climate, strong smells are some environmental triggers.  migraine can be unpredictable only a few common symptoms be present with the patient having migraine-like one-sided headache bursting or pulsating pain severe up to the extent which force person to discontinue daily routine. Aggravated by exertion or moving about accompanied by unwell feeling and being sick. Light and noise sensitivity. 
  3. Treatment in  homeopathic system of medicine completely  believe  in the totality of symptoms and treatment of person not the diseases but for some references I am quoting some medicines with their keynote symptoms. Few most common medicines are Belladona where pain is  like it could burst the brain into pieces. Arnica Montana pain after traumatic injuries to head. Bryonia Alba where pain is aggravated by least motion of head or neck. China  is a  where pain is associated with exhaustion, weakness or anaemia after some debilitating disease. Cimicifuga where pain is  associated with stiffness of neck and menstrual cycle. Ranunculus bulbosus is the medicine where migraine triggers when sudden change of weather take place. Nux Vomica headache aggravated by  strong scents, loud noise, bright light, indigestion, hyperacidity and tension these are few common medicines which can be used, but again homoeopathic philosophy doesn’t allow to prescribe in this way coz such type of prescriptions only relieve the pain for some extent but to cure any disease one should visit to a qualified homeopathic physician who can treat the disease in totality 

Stress, one of the most silent killer of present society. unfortunately those who are under stress of their corporate affairs most commonly affected by this .many psychosomatic disorders develops in people suffering from stress .patient start complaining of poor sleep on the first instance, tired feeling in morning with no desire to wake up. confusion of mind lack of concentration, low productivity,lonely feeling . when they start to live in solitude avoid company and become silent with no desire to talk to anyone with no desire to attend any gathering. Person under stress becomes more irritable and less communicative so physical symptoms are dryness of throat choking sensation in throat increased heartbeat palpitations cold sweat around neck and head. Homeopathy system of medicine has a quite broad scope in stress related disorders. As homeopathic medicines gets proved on healthy human being considering each and every aspect of body systems as psychological and body symptoms .as we study records and data of every homoeopathic medicine. we as a homoeopathic prescriber could understand and relate things upto the root cause level and prescribe accordingly. Homeopathic medicines are so much sophisticated and advance ,medicinal action once taken goes deep up to the root cause of the disease either it may be acquired,temporary or genetically induced, homeopathic medicines act amazingly well in conditions of stress and behavioural disorders.homeopathic medicines work in synchronisation of our body system,physiology & metabolism.that’s why these medicines are free from harmful effects cause of this when a medicine is in synchronisation with your vital force our system recognises it very well and promptly act accordingly to manage things which have been disturbed in condition of disease,homoeopathy cures each and every system in harmonious way thats why disease vanishes faster enough and completely.

About us

Dr. Rastogi is an acclaimed physician and a researcher. He is associated with The Council for Research & Educational Omniscience as Director, Alternative Medicines (India Chapter) and has conducted several free medication and counseling camps under this banner.

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